What it does
This Galaxy tool uses the analysis scripts from the Genome Assembly Gold Standard Evaluation (GAGE) work to provide summary statistics about the contig and scaffold sequences resulting from a de novo genome assembly process.
A single output is generated by this tool which is a tabular file containing statistics about the contig and scaffold sequences.
We thank the GAGE team for making their evaluation scripts available to the community. The GAGE evaluation is available here. The GAGE work can be cited using the following reference:
GAGE: A critical evaluation of genome assemblies and assembly algorithms Steven L. Salzberg, Adam M. Phillippy, Aleksey Zimin, Daniela Puiu, Tanja Magoc, Sergey Koren, Todd J. Treangen, Michael C. Schatz, Arthur L. Delcher, Michael Roberts, Guillaume Marçais, Mihai Pop, James A. Yorke Genome Res. 2012 March; 22(3): 557–567. doi: 10.1101/gr.131383.111